


| Quantity: 1 lb. / approx. 3 carrots per pound |

We often hear that carrots are good for eye health, and it's true! Carrots contain lutein, the only carotenoid that can pass through the retinal barrier, where it works as a powerful antioxidant to protect eye cells. In addition to benefiting your eyes, carrots offer many other health advantages. Enjoy them in fresh juice, salads, steamed, or paired with your favorite cooked dishes.

Carrots provide a wide range of health benefits, including:

  1. Promotes Eye Health: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. This nutrient is essential for good vision and helps protect against age-related eye conditions.

  2. Supports Immune System: The high vitamin A content in carrots helps boost the immune system, protecting the body from infections and promoting overall health.

  3. Rich in Antioxidants: Carrots are packed with antioxidants like beta-carotene and lutein, which help fight free radicals, protect cells, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

  4. Aids Digestion: Carrots are a good source of dietary fiber, which supports healthy digestion, promotes regular bowel movements, and helps maintain a healthy gut.

  5. Heart Health: The fiber, potassium, and antioxidants in carrots contribute to heart health by helping to lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  6. Improves Skin Health: The antioxidants in carrots, along with their vitamin A content, promote healthy skin by reducing signs of aging and protecting against damage from UV rays and environmental stress.

  7. Supports Weight Management: Low in calories but high in fiber, carrots help promote satiety, making them a great addition to a weight-management diet.

  8. Boosts Oral Health: The crunchiness of carrots can help clean teeth and gums, and their high vitamin A content supports healthy oral tissues.

  9. Supports Bone Health: Carrots provide vitamin K, which is important for bone health and helps maintain proper calcium absorption.

  10. Anti-inflammatory: Carrots contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce inflammation in the body and supporting overall health.

Adding carrots to your diet can improve eye health, support the immune system, promote digestion, and offer numerous other benefits.

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Your items are prepared fresh. So fresh, sometimes a little piece of Mother Nature likes to tagalong. We highly recommend you inspect and thoroughly clean your items before you enjoy them!
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